Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Tobacco Roots Adventure

By the time spring break was here, KT and I were due for an adventure, so we set our sights on Branham Lakes deep within the vast Tobacco Root range. It was complete with large packs, an 8 mile slog in, clear skies and calm winds.

I have heard that there is the greatest concentration of 10,000 ft + peaks of any mountain range within Montana, and from the top of Thomson peak we could nearly see them all. With ideal camping conditions, not another human seen for days and possible wolverine activity near camp, this was a surreal adventure that will most definitely be followed up in the spring for some ski mountaineering!

Ned Gall

Sunday, April 4, 2010

35th Annual MSU American Indian Council Pow Wow (April 3)

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

Day two, bigger crowds and final competitions upped the ante as the crew continued to shoot. Working with the AIC's(American Indian Council's) Chris Burdeau and Michael Fast Buffalo Horse, we were able to pick up some great shots while they filled me in on the finer points of dress, dance style, and formalities. Again, feel free to note on any familiar faces, specifics etc.

Another great day with friends new and old. Yeehaw!

Christopher J. Carter, April 2010

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

[Photos C.J. Carter]

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

[Photo C.J. Carter]

[Photo C.J. Carter]

Young-gun filmmaker and lensman, Kade Leachman, stopped in to hone some skills
[Photo C.J. Carter]

[Photo C.J. Carter]

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

[Photo Chris Burdeau]

Thomas "Horse" Robinson claims a clowndance victory for the Lost Tribes of Israel
[Photo C.J. Carter]

35th Annual MSU American Indian Council Pow Wow (April 2)

[Photo C.J.Carter]

Here are some quick production stills from film production with the M.S.U. American Indian Council during the 2010 Pow-Wow. Truly a spectacular event and many thanks to Jim Burns, Rita Sand, Dr.Jioanna Carjuzza, the AIC crew and the hundreds of thankless volunteers that made the event happen.

Please feel free to comment, ID people,clarify specifics, dance style, dress, etc.


Christopher J. Carter, April 2010

[Photo C.J.Carter]

[Photo C.J.Carter]

[Photo C.J.Carter]

AIC Officers Anthony Shoulderblade, Tyrel Ten-Bear and Nic Ross-Dick during grand entry [Photo C.J.Carter]

[Photo C.J.Carter]

Bracket play during the Pow-Wow Basketball Tournament honoring late Miss Indian MSU, Nyree Hogan
[Photo C.J.Carter]

AIC Co-President Nic Ross-Dick and Former M.S.U. President Geoff Gamble on the sidelines
[Photo C.J.Carter]

[Photo C.J.Carter]

[Photo C.J.Carter]

More shots on the way...