[Photo C.J.Carter] Here are some quick
production stills from film production with the M.S.U.
American Indian Council during the 2010 Pow-
Truly a spectacular event and many thanks to Jim Burns, Rita Sand, Dr.Jioanna Carjuzza,
the AIC crew and the hundreds of thankless volunteers that made the event happen.Please feel free to comment, ID people,clarify specifics, dance style, dress, etc.
Christopher J. Carter, April 2010
[Photo C.J.Carter]
[Photo C.J.Carter]
[Photo C.J.Carter]
AIC Officers Anthony Shoulderblade, Tyrel Ten-Bear and Nic Ross-Dick during grand entry [Photo C.J.Carter]
[Photo C.J.Carter]
Bracket play during the Pow-Wow Basketball Tournament honoring late Miss Indian MSU, Nyree Hogan [Photo C.J.Carter]
AIC Co-President Nic Ross-Dick and Former M.S.U. President Geoff Gamble on the sidelines
[Photo C.J.Carter]
[Photo C.J.Carter]
[Photo C.J.Carter]
More shots on the way...
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